Symptoms a Woman should Never Ignore

Heavy bleeding

Once in a while it is alright to suffer from heavy bleeding. For example in the summers, we might get our monthly cycle sooner or heavier. But a woman just knows it when her periods get so heavy that it doesn’t seem normal, especially for women who have passed menopause and experience bleeding, it is a red alert. Excessive bleeding or bleeding after menopause is usually a sign of some cancer or serious illness of the uterus or ovaries, or even a hormonal imbalance.

Excessive urination

We all get up in the night to visit the bathroom. But if these visits to the bathroom exceed more than 4 to 5 visits then it might be a sign of a disease or illness. Either you are a diabetic patient that has the need to empty his or her bladder all the time or you have something pressing against your bladder in the form of a cyst or fibroid. Do not ignore the cyst or mass as it might be cancerous.

Belly bloat

When we eat something that doesn’t suit our tummy, we may suffer from belly bloating and even on days when we are expecting our monthly periods. But if the bloating is on a daily basis you have something to be concerned about. Belly bloat might not seem like anything serious but it is one of the most common signs of ovarian cancer. Pain is not necessary but a sense of discomfort is enough to be alert.

Abnormal vaginal discharge

Women experience colorless odorless discharge which is considered normal in healthy women. But you notice any colored or foul smelled discharge it is time you visit the doctor as this is a symptom of fallopian or cervical tube cancer.

Unexplained weight loss

If you have been experiencing unexplained weight loss then it might be a good idea to visit the doctor. Unexplained weight loss could be a sign of diabetes, colon cancer or even hyperthyroidism.

7 Reasons Why your Breasts are Sagging

Breasts do not look nice when they are sagging. The sign of a sexy woman is a healthy bust that holds shape on its own and sits straight like the shoulders that adds to her existing svelte.

If your breasts are sagging, here are a few points to help you figure out the reason:

Big breasts

If you are naturally blessed with big breasts, it could be a cause of your sagging breasts. The weight of the breasts might be causing it to droop downwards. Gravity eventually plays a big role when it comes to weight. You can solve the problem by wearing bras with good support and even try to lose some weight. Another more complicated solution is surgery, which can be resorted to as the last solution to the problem.

Blame the Genes

Some women might naturally have breasts that are structured the way that they are. So if you feel they are droopy and if they are structured that way, there is not much that you can do about it. If the problem of sagging breasts is troubling you that much then you might want to try some breast muscle strengthening exercises or wear uplifting bras.


Smoking apart from ruining the overall health of your body also kills the collagen in the body, responsible for the elasticity of your skin. So nip this bad habit in the bud unless you want to suffer from sagging breasts forever.

Weight loss or crash dieting

When you gain weight the skin expands and fills out with the extra weight gained. Similarly when you lose weight suddenly, the skin does not get enough time to cope in reducing the extra skin.

The skin cannot snap out and snap in according to your convenience. It’s a time consuming process that affects elasticity of the skin that only gets repaired over time.

Wrongly fitted bra

Nearly 80% of women wear the wrong sizes or wrongly fitted bras. So if the fitting is not right, it might cause the bras to sag, thereby causing or adding a lot of stress to the collagen in your skin, especially near the breasts. Always wear a bra that holds it right.

Bad posture

When you stand or sit straight, your breasts also stand out. Make it a habit to maintain a good posture so that even your breasts get the benefit of it and do not sag.

Sun damage

The UV rays of the sun damages the skin to the extent that it loses its elasticity. So if you have been exposing your breasts to the sun, the chances are that they are sagging due to the damage caused by the sun.

6 Common Side Effects of Birth Control

Birth control can be done in various methods. But the hormone based birth control that comes in the form of pills is the one that comes with a lot of side effects. Not all the side effects are bearable and you might have to visit a doctor to prescribe another form or birth control or even switch the meds.

Here are the most common side effects of birth control meds:


This is the most annoying side effect of taking birth control meds as this can happen at any time without any advance notification. If you would like to avoid this spotting, you can start taking your pills at the same time every day and even ask the doctor for an anti-inflammatory to reduce the chances of this occurring.

Tenderness of the breasts

This is something that you can’t do much about. Unless the pain or tenderness becomes unbearable you need not do anything about it. If the pain is unbearable then you can ask your doctor for an alternate birth control.


When you initially start the pill, you can experience these symptoms. So wait a bit and see if they disappear on their own. If they don’t then you can consider switching.


As with headaches, this symptom will usually go away in a couple of weeks. If you are on the pill then you should try taking it with food. But if you are on the ring or loop, then you might have to switch methods of birth control.

Mood swings

A lot of us experience mood swings just before we get our monthly period. To add to this mood swings, if you are on the pill, you might experience extra outbursts of depression or anger. So if your mood swings are going out of control then you might have to switch to non-hormonal methods as no hormonal method will suit you with hormonal mood swings.

How to Get Rid of Hiccups

From the time we are born, we face the annoying ac of hiccups. The actual reason why hiccups actually occur is unknown. Most doctors link hiccups with eating too fast or swallowing air, or even in some cases the disturbance of the digestive system by eating too much junk and oily foods.

Now let’s come to the main problem them most people face. Hiccups is harmless but it can be annoying, especially in public due to the hiccup sound and the movement of the diaphragm. Basically hiccups is the sudden contraction of the diaphragm muscle, almost like a spasm, snapping the vocal cords shut that cause the hiccupping sound.

Drink water

The popular and tried and tested.

Hold out breadth

When you hold your breath till you can anymore, this will reset the breathing process and get things in your throat back to normal. The holding of carbon dioxide in your lungs will help diaphragm relax.


Gargling disturbs the natural processes and rhythm of the nerves in your throat. A few seconds of gargling will help diaphragm relax and settle the nerves causing the spasms.

Blow a bag or balloon

Blowing on a paper bag or balloon increases the carbon dioxide in your blood, due to which the diaphragm contract more to bring in the oxygen. This contraction of the diaphragm to bring in the oxygen will put an end to the repetitive contractions.


Swallow a mouthful of honey. The tingling and tickling sensation honey causes at the back of your throat is sure to bring the nerves in the throat back to normal.

Healthy food

How to Make Healthy Donuts Using Biscuits

The average American consumes hundreds of donuts a year. Who can resist this soft and fluffy treat that can be garnished to suit your tastes? Donuts are usually made with flour, butter, yeast, sugar and eggs.


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